European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics
Paris, October 8-11 2024
We warmly encourage doctoral students to apply to the doctoral consortium held on the first day of the conference (Tuesday 8 October, 2024). Application requires a two-page summary of the Ph.D. student’s work (including research context, past accomplishments, future directions, and problems encountered) and a 1-page CV.
Upon acceptance, students will be required a prepare a 20-min presentation for the Doctoral Consortium, as well as a poster, to be displayed during the conference, and a 5-min flash poster teasing presentation in a dedicated slot during ECCE plenary session.
A selection of students may be asked to submit a doctoral consortium paper (no longer than 6 pages, including references and possible attachments) to be reviewed by the DC chairs. DC papers revised and submitted according to reviewer comments will be published in the ACM Digital Library along with the conference proceedings.
Inquiries and Submissions of the Doctoral Consortium papers should be sent directly to the conference organizers by May 15, 2024.
Students whose Doctoral Consortium (DC) papers are accepted will get free registration to the conference (supported by EACE).
Contact and submission: