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Posters Session

Improving Effectiveness of Cyber Crisis Management Trainings: Lessons Learned from an Exploratory Study Assessing Immersion, Cognitive Load, and Situation Awareness

J. Castillo , M. Parenthoen , E. Laaroussi Gaumer , N. Louveton

Low-tech perspectives applied to apartment renovation

A. Mertens


Virtual Training for Inexperienced Nursing Students in the Operating Room: Reducing Stress while enhancing Knowledge and Self-Efficacy

I. Redjem


Educational digital twins (EDT) to a sustainable future? Between promises and reality

L. Cuvelier , S. Fernagu , C. Facon , N. Dangouloff


Technological solution for early detection of neurodegenerative diseases in a home environment : The case of Alzheimer's Disease

L. Seredova , G. Rey , M. Delacroix , T. Colombi


Effect of Induced Postural Changes on Cognitive Load

E. El Khalil , S. Lemonnier , P. Maurice


Impulsivity, Inattention, and Driving Events

T. Elbaum , A. Botzer , R. Shichrur , Y. Braw , S. Shoval


Evaluating Date Entry Components: User Efficiency and Contextual Suitability

S. Chalmé , E. Dumaine


Real-time visual attention measure in Virtual Reality: A Work-In-Progress of a Pilot Study

M. Chakma , C. Liet , A. Milliat , I. Milleville , C. Dumas


A Mobile App for Assessing the Acoustic Perception of Propulsion Systems of Novel Aircraft

D. Straub , A. Rahman , C. Dubois , S. Bartels , S. Schade

User Experience (UX) design and evaluation for the low-tech approach

R. Duhamel , J. Legardeur , C. Lallemand


Using Personas in transport Policy Making

P. Nguyen

Understand People’s Representations of Automated Vehicle: a way to conceive our future road safety

O. Mouton , J. Cegarra , J. Navarro

Dynamics of agency within complex systems

B. Tammentie

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