European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics
Paris, October 8-11 2024
EACE Forum
History, Present, and Future of Cognitive Ergonomics in Europe, its Changing Domain and Importance
We intend to co-develop, interactively, an EACE overview and potential publication on this domain. We invite each of us to contribute and co-author, by submitting your knowledge into our preliminary domain map using Padlet’s site.
From 9 am until 10:30 am on Friday 11 October 2024 at ECCE 2024, we will facilitate an interactive forum to explore the history, present, and future of Cognitive Ergonomics in Europe, and changes in this domain and its importance.
We will be using an interactive Padlet tool and you can access it via the button below.
Access to this interactive tool is anonymous and each participant can edit, change, delete any content. Because of this, we ask that you follow some house rules. Firstly, please add whatever content you wish, but avoid verbosity if possible. Please add your name to your own contribution. Don’t edit or delete the contributions of others. There are options to add Padlet notes with heading and body text, links to web pages, etc. The full list is here. Perhaps consider Padlets, links, and exceptionally, uploads.

During the Forum, we will indulge in interactive Polls as the situation merits ☺.
Please feel free to contribute in each of the column areas before, during and after the Forum, although we highly recommend and prefer that you join the forum in-person on Friday morning and enjoy the debate around the co-development of the content.
Please, enter your notes, statements, descriptions, history, to any of the topics column areas below:
1. DisciplinaryrootsofCE
2. CEparadigms:
● inventory of paradigms
● history of paradigms
● vision on the future of paradigms
3. CEinEurope
● Different accents & different developments in different regions, and why
o Schools
o Champions
o Industry developments
4. CEoutsideEurope
● Different accents & different developments in different regions, and why
o Schools
o Champions
o Industry developments
NB: Whatever content you add, please add your name or email at the end so that we can contact you afterwards, and to ensure that your contribution is credited as we develop from this interactive tool towards a paper for publication. For each post on the online tool, you can choose to vote for or against it. You can also add a comment to each.
Gerrit C van der Veer, Oronzo Parlangeli & Maurice D Mulvenna